Fategas are Natura CosiPlants H/A that inhabit various regions of Mareala where suitable prey is available.
These creatures feature multiple algae tentacles converging at their base, where large black eyes are situated. Below this base, their brown roots are anchored.
Fategas employ camouflage on the seabed, resembling common algae, patiently awaiting the approach of their prey. Once in proximity, their swift tentacles ensnare and enclose the victim, exerting pressure until its demise. Subsequently, Fategas buries the remains beneath itself, allowing its roots to absorb nutrients from the prey's body, functioning as fertilizer.
In the event of tentacle loss, Fategas can regenerate them relatively swiftly.
Highly adaptable, they thrive in diverse marine terrains. However, they desiccate and perish outside water unless the surrounding atmosphere is sufficiently humid.
While they can be kept alive on land within highly humid chambers, their health significantly deteriorates, often leading to signs resembling a form of depression.
As Fategas reach maturity, their roots begin to grow and extend. Once sufficiently elongated, these roots start to divide and gain independence, ultimately leading to the creation of a new batch of roots from which a new, independent Fategas sprouts. Initially, a black bulb emerges from the ground, unfurling into their eyes and the first set of tentacles, which gradually mature over time. During this phase, they remain connected to their parent through at least one root, sharing nutrients until the offspring matures. Typically, once the offspring can begin catching its own food, this connection is often severed.
Valued for their nutritional content and flavor, Fategas are commonly used in sushi preparation in Ejpon and Plus Mountain. Mass cultivation occurs in farms within the Minus Mountain Range, Rosaldew, and Argenea.
Branch: Natura
Category: CosiPlants
Subcategory: H/A
Etymology: "Fate" + "Algas" (Algae)
Sex Ratio: Sexless
Sapience: ---