Hunders are Natura Oceans Finers that inhabit the sea trenches at the deepest reaches of Mareala and the border of Careala, frequently venturing to the seabed to interact with the Manayas.
These creatures are elongated with yellow fins and bluish skin. They boast a large head adorned with an antenna that features a bioluminescent sac at its tip. Within their mouth, a row of sharp front teeth precedes a set of larger, flat teeth.
Inhabiting the depths of ocean trenches, Hunders often seek refuge among rocks for rest, displaying minimal physical activity, only going out to hunt and meet Manayas outside of their trench.
Despite their front teeth, Hunders are herbivores, incapable of consuming meat.
Hunders lure prey by utilizing the light from their antenna, attracting prey close enough for a fatal bite with their front teeth. Subsequently, they store the bodies in their mouths until an adequate supply accumulates to offer to the Manayas.
Their diet primarily consists of the large Defosa algae thriving in the mid-sections of their pits, supplemented by microorganisms found near the Corals reefs at higher elevations in their pit.
Due to inadequate food intake and resultant energy deficiencies, Hunders appear pallid and exhibit low physical activity, leading to widespread health issues and high mortality rates within their species.
From birth, Hunders share a symbiotic relationship with the Manayas. Providing pre-hunted food to the Manayas, getting snuggles and other affectionate interactions in return.
When receiving affection from Manayas, the Hunders' brains produce significantly elevated levels of a hormone akin to Dopamine but exhibiting far greater potency.
Hunders exhibit an enigmatic attraction to the teeth of the Manayas, with speculations linking them to the origin of the Manayas' exaggerated dental structure.
As an endangered species, the Second Kingdom oversees Hunder protection, mandating hunting prohibition and the establishment of protected habitats.
In popular culture on The Prime Continent, they have been depicted in legends as sea monsters, while on the Zet Continent, they are portrayed as amicable beings, emphasizing the significance of their preservation.
Branch: Natura
Category: Oceans
Subcategory: Finers
Etymology: "Under" + "Hunter"
Sex Ratio: 75% Male/25% Female
Sapience: ---